IKVM.NET: Interaction between C# and Java

A nice project, everyone coming from Java and migrating to C#:
IKVM.NET Home Page

It is a JVM implemented in .NET, contains a .NET implementation of a lot classes from the Java class libraries (JDK), compliance of 1.4 almost complete and contains tools for interop between Java and .NET.

FAQ: Java Console Handling

As it is one of the FAQs on every Java newsgroup or Java Mailinglists: “How to handle console?”

I came across a nice library that supports console operations on Windows, Linux and Mac OS: JLine.

Check it out, if you really need to work with the console on the mentioned platforms. The libarary works using native features, but I find the handling quite nice: the required DLL for Windows for instance is dynamically extracted from the JAR and loaded, so there is no need for a special installation.

JLine does not provide curses features at the moment, but it is a good approach if you need to read a password from standard in.