Nice to know – Volume 1

As I definitely should post more on my blog, I now try to start a new series: “Nice to know”. It will be a collection of interesting things I consider memorable but which don’t deserve their own blog-post.


Tricke allows you to limit bandwith for processes that do not support bandwith limitation out-of-the-box. It works by preloading and simulating the socket API. You use it as a wrapper when starting the process, like trickle -d 80 someapp.

You can use it to limit rsync speed for instance (thanks to rsync -auvPe “trickle -d 80 ssh” user@host:/src/ /dst/

VMWare Tools and Kernel 2.6.24

VMWare Tools out of the box do not install on kernel 2.6.24 (as used in Ubuntu 8.04 for instance). A possible solution is described here. It is based on using the open-source version of the VMWare tools (open-vm-tools).

Windows 2003 Server as NTP client

Our Windows 2003 Server refused to sync the clock via NTP. Main reason for this behaviour is the fact that as PDC it wants to change the NTP server’s clock as well, which is normally not permitted by the NTP server and the packet is discarded.

To change the preferred server of the Windows Time service (w32time), follow these steps:

w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:<server>,0x8 /syncfromflags:MANUAL

w32tm /config /update

net time /querysntp

w32tm /resync

(source: Meinberg Funkuhren – FAQ – Windows synchronisiert nicht mit NTP (German))

Bugzilla: Active Directory Integration

As you might have guessed from previous posts, I’m currently in the process of implementing a single-sign-on scenario within our network. Or, at least, I’m trying to have at least one single username/password combo for all internal services. Authentication is therefore realized against an Active Directory, based on a Microsoft Windows 2003 Server.

For integration of Bugzilla into the Active Directory, see this link (Update: Link is broken, for an archived version, use this link, thanks to the commenter!).