Life at Google

Interesting mail supposed to be from an internal mailing list of Microsoft about life at Google compared to Microsoft. Despite the discouraging blog title (“Just say ‘No’ to Google”) the published e-mail is rather balanced in my opinion. It just gives interesting insight in the work life at Google and Microsoft.

(Disclaimer: the whole thing could be a fake, I don’t know. But I suppose this to be true, it is no Google-bashing. Given the fact that it publishes an internal e-mail from Microsoft, I don’t know how long it will stay online.)

In the comments there are other major-companies work-life experience blog entries linked:

Keep-Alive Post

This is just a keep-alive post. As my last article has been published over three months ago now, I thought it would be time to at least write something in order to mark this blog as “not dead”. Well, I know I have no readers, so finally I’m just telling myself that I intend to write something again soon 😉 But in opinion an abandoned website is worse than no website at all. So, this website is now officially no longer “out-dated”, as there is an up-to-date article. Thanks for reading 😉

Update: Ok, now I got into writing and already published an article with a little bit more appropriate content for this blog 😉

Hello World!


It seems, within the past months everyone started a blog, so I thought, hey, well, why not me too? And that’s the result…

I could now tell everyone that I think this will be interesting for everyone and that I hope you will find something useful here. But I’ll be honest: how likely is that? If you find something useful, that’s great, but if not, don’t blame me, I warned you 🙂