Add SSH host key fingerprint to Jenkins for Git checkouts

I have a self-hosted Gitea instance, and also operate my own Jenkins instance. On the Jenkins instance, strict host-key checking is enabled. When adding the first reference to a Git repository hosted on my server, the following error appears: The reason is that since it’s the first time I’m accessing a repository on this server, … Continue reading “Add SSH host key fingerprint to Jenkins for Git checkouts”

Linux, Western Digital Green & Load Cycle Count

Today when looking at my Munin graphs for S.M.A.R.T. values of my always-on PVR box, I noticed that within a year, my Western Digital Green-line disks had degraded their Load_Cycle_Count attribute to a shocking low level of below 20 (in S.M.A.R.T., low levels are bad). The raw value indicated that the three of the four … Continue reading “Linux, Western Digital Green & Load Cycle Count”

The power of git aliases

Based on a recent question on stackoverflow I found the power of git aliases and want so share one I invented for answering the question and after that I found very useful in everyday git use: git config –global alias.add-commit ‘!git add -A && git commit’ After this, you can simply check in all new, … Continue reading “The power of git aliases”

How to force Git to consider a file as binary

If you are using Git on Windows and follow my advise on how to get past the problem with the “suspicious patch lines”, you might run into problems if you are using Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) files in your repository. PostScript files are almost plain-text files, and if you set core.autocrlf and core.safecrlf, they might cause … Continue reading “How to force Git to consider a file as binary”

My initial git settings for any repository

This is my cheat sheet for the settings I use for my git-repositories (list to be edited continuously): Global settings: git config –global Martin Carpella git config –global xxx@yyy.invalid git config –global color.ui auto Per-repository settings: git config core.autocrlf true git config core.safecrlf true Per-repository .gitignore for Visual Studio/C# projects: bin obj *.user … Continue reading “My initial git settings for any repository”

git-svn fails with fatal error: unable to remap

Git‘s nice Subversion (SVN) integration is one of the reasons I switched to using it within our company for my own revision control besides our official repository. Unfortunately, upgrading cygwin broke my system once again: $ git svn dcommit 6 [main] perl 4760 C:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe: *** fatal error – unable to remap C:\cygwin\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.8\cygwin\auto\SVN\_Core\_ Core.dll to same … Continue reading “git-svn fails with fatal error: unable to remap”

git-svn on Windows (cygwin)

Update 2008-10-10: Often perl will not work due to memory-remapping problems. A solution can be found in my article about the issue. What I really love about Git is the fact that it nicely integrates with existing Subversion repositories. At our company, we are using Subversion as our SCM, but I personally like Git more … Continue reading “git-svn on Windows (cygwin)”

Git on Windows: “You have some suspicious patch lines”

Update 2008-04-24: as commenter Jakub Narebski correctly points out, it should be better to use core.autocrlf and crlf attribute for resolving this issue, but I have had no chance to test this up to now. The solution below is still valid, but more of the sort of an ugly hack. Update 2008-06-11: I have stopped … Continue reading “Git on Windows: “You have some suspicious patch lines””

Git and Windows Vista

I recently started using Git, the version control system now used for developing the Linux Kernel. While there is no native support for Windows at the moment, you can install it using cygwin. While this works reasonably well in Windows XP, I got into severe troubles when trying the same in Windows Vista. First, I … Continue reading “Git and Windows Vista”

Btrfs raid1 vs. mdadm raid1

RAID is about up-time. Or about the chance to avoid having to restore from backup if you are lucky. RAID is not a backup, though. There are also no backups, just successful or failed restores. (Those are the most important proverbs that come to my mind right now.) Given that I’m obsessed with backups, but … Continue reading “Btrfs raid1 vs. mdadm raid1”